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Live Theatre's Winter Warmer!

To see in the festive season, we are inviting all playwrights and theatre makers from the region to come together for a Winter Warmer get together in Live Theatre’s Undercroft and Bar. A great chance to network, meet other artists, chat to Live’s team and hang out in an inspiring setting. Come and have a mince pie and some mulled wine on us and warm your creative cockles.  

This event will be held on Tuesday 12 December, from 5-7pm before the 7.30pm performance of Three Acts of Love - so there’s a chance to catch it while you can. Tickets are becoming increasingly limited and performances have been selling fast.

The event will be accessible with comfortable seating available for anyone who would like it.

Please RSVP by Monday 11th December 2023 letting us know if you have any specific access requirements via the button below. Upon confirmation of attendance we will share a discount code for performances of Three Acts of Love.

  • Arts Council England
  • Community Foundation
  • European Regional Development Fund


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