live theatre associate artist gobscure launches mini-album and installation
28 june - 6 july. housing contains the word sing installation-theatre.
with gig on 1st july launching mini-album a birds singing can still delay laws
live theatre studio, newcastle
hostel worker once said 'what dya need books for yr homeless?' our revenge was 13 year of reading, graduating from the open university, 2016. as current artistic associate live theatre we're proud to launch 'housing contains the word sing'. film, sound and visuals combine in a unique response that asks questions, gives voice and rewrites futures: housing is a human right.
part of a large and acclaimed body of art spiralling out of our lived experiences of homelessness. this includes three solo theatre shows, five films, exhibition, sound-art, publications and more. work has been supported by (among others) MGC futures bursary; Graeae Beyond scheme; Slung Low Leeds seed fund; CPT seed commission; Museum of Homelessness associateship.
'’dizzying and hypnotic, cutting edge, spellbinding' Museum of Homelessness
'intelligent, unsettling & entertaining in equal measure.' DAO review
Jack McNamara, Live Theatre Artistic Director says of our work:
“gobscure’s work is really like nothing else. political, emotional, theatrically daring, visually and aurally astonishing. their inner world is huge. the ideas begin small but expand outwards to wild heights. Their imagination and skill could fill our theatre ten times over.”
walk into the studio space and see powerful, playful and poetic artworks offering creative resistances on homelessness. as you leave you are encouraged to take some crime-scene tape and find creative uses.
our short film 'provoked to madness by the brutality of wealth' screens at regular intervals
this alternates with sound-art from a birds singing can delay laws our mini-album launched to coincide with this exhibition. this is collage of our broken-word, location-recordings from the post-industrial north-east, kids music box playing the french resistances chant des partisans, and our fragmented take on that 1929 song (still relevant) how can a poor person stand such times and live. album developed thanks to arc stockton residency
for more information and to book click here
'listening so the pain goes away.' lategirl, sage artist in residence
'antithesis of all that is mass-produced, commercial; one needs time to engage and to listen to the work. It might even help us to listen to ourselves. Alma Zevi Venice
full album here
edgeland - publication containing art, writings, scripts, more is launched alongside all this